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Helping your child with their learning at home

Helping your child with their learning at home
Academic Juniors

This term we have been delighted to welcome our parents to the primary school to our parent workshops. The aim of these workshops is to provide support for our parents with the learning that their children are doing so that they can help their child more at home.

Over the past two weeks, we have held two workshops, the first looking at maths and the second focused on phonics. At both workshops, parents were introduced to the focus area and were then given time to do some hands-on activities relating to that area with our class teachers. For our phonics workshop, parents received training and guidance from an international phonics trainer, Mrs Coral George, who has been in school delivering phonics teacher CPD for our staff.

Parents have been invited to complete a feedback survey at the end of each workshop on an iPad and we have been greatly encouraged by the results from our two workshops so far. These show that all the parents who attended were very positive about the workshop and how it has helped them to support their child, with many parents commenting that they would really like more of the same events.

We also encourage all our parents to make use of the excellent and growing resources that are available in the Parents Firefly section. Here you will be able to download the presentation slides from the workshop evenings and make use of a wide range of resources to help you further support your child at home.

We value the time and participation of our parents at this event as well as that of our teaching staff. Having the opportunity to connect with parents in a relaxed and informative setting is so important and we look forward to being able to put on more workshops in the future.

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Helping your child with their learning at home